Sunday, 31 July 2011

National Portrait Gallery: Glamour of the Gods

I recently visited London, and while there took some time to take in my favourite art gallery there, the National Portrait Gallery. The current main photographic exhibition is "Glamour of the Gods - Hollywood Portraits" photos are from the John Kobal foundation.

As the foundation is based on an archive of photographs of actors, it is hardly surprising that the quality is mainly very good. I say mainly because I felt the images from the 1920's were the weakest of the collection. Some of them were poor quality reproductions, but those that weren't seemed to have variable photographic quality - such as poor focussing.

Louise Brooks, by ER Richee, 1929

The exhibition came into its own when showing portraits from the 1930's onwards. There was a marked improvement in quality, in lighting, and in reproduction. I suppose at this time the studios became serious about publicity photographs, and before the stars themselves became aware of the power of keeping their image to themselves.

Marlene Dietrich By George Hurrell, 1937  

All in all, well worth a visit! If you are in London before 23rd October 2011, then try to pop along and enjoy this show and all the other excellent art that the NPG shows.

For more information, see the Glamour of the Gods pages at the NPG web site

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be there at the end of August. I do love the NPG and have been a lot. My fav visit was during the Irvin Penn showing. AMAZING photographer and truly inspirational.

Thanks for the Review Lee!