Saturday, 14 February 2009

Jetty, Roatán

Jetty, Roatán

So, there was me, thinking that this ramshackle, ricketty jetty (pier) was looking very picturesque.

What I hadn't fully noticed was how ricketty it actually was, and also slick with rain from a recent shower.

In lining up my photo, I stepped back, and put my left leg through a gap in the planking.

Result: one left leg covered in bumps and scrapes, a sore bum from where I fell backwards, and a badly bruised ego....

be careful out there!

Monday, 9 February 2009

Unpresidential Language

I subscribe in Google Reader to the rss feed. I saw this story earlier....

which I thought wasn't quite the most respectful way of putting it....

A few hours later, the same story was reposted as

and the first link is 404'd!